Sept. 20, 2017

The Way of the Sensitive Podcast - Episode 15 - Standing in Your Power and Weaving Reality.

The Way of the Sensitive Podcast  - Episode 15 - Standing in Your Power and Weaving Reality.

Hey gorgeous

Okay so today's guest is me! 

This weeks episode is a channeled message that I hastily recorded whilst walking in Avebury a few weeks ago.

Holly Worton and I  were on our way to a sacred place in Avebury where it's easier to connect with the Star People (yay my tribe) and as I walked passed a particular tree, I felt its energy "grab" mine. 

I felt the impulse to channel and this short clip is the result of Holly having the foresight to whip out her phone and hit record. Although I know that some of this message was personal for me, it's also a global message for all Lightworkers.

What I'd love you to pay attention to is:

  • how easy it is to slip in out and of the channeling state. With practice, I'm over 7 years in now, its easier to be in and out of channeling states. I have less fear and doubts that get in the way, know my own energy so much I KNOW when another energy is wanting to connect with me and - always other energies want to talk with us. There is so much more support out there than we think.



  • What this energy says about commanding and demanding our realtie