Sept. 27, 2017

The Way of the Sensitive Podcast - Episode 16 - Herbalism and SpaceShips

The Way of the Sensitive Podcast  - Episode 16 - Herbalism and SpaceShips

Hey Gorgeous,

Today's guest is Lisa Akers, spaceship builder and herbalist. Yep you read that right. As you can imagine that there's quite a fascinating story there right?

Lisa specializes in guiding highly sensitive people to nurture their relationship with themselves through the sacred practice of holistic herbalism for deep and lasting wellness. In other words, she helps sensitives to thrive! Just what we're all about.

In this podcast we cover:

  • Lisa's unusual answer to my question "What do you like about being a sensitive?"
  • Defining autoimmune disease
  • LIsa's own journey of ill health and how that lead her to studying herbalism and the work she does with others. It really is a story of the heros journey
  • What are the symptoms of imbalance - whether you have an autoimmune disease or not this is a crucial checklist
  • how to nourish your body in a way that builds resilience AND strengthens intuition
  • what every sensitive who struggles with sugar needs to know about bitters
  • how spaceship building informs Lisa's role as a herbalist (her answer is gorgeous!)
  • a tracking system that you can start today that will gently guide you towards balance

(PS Please bare with me around the slight delay in sound. I decided to still air the episode because the quality, though not ideal, is still good enough)

As always, head over to the free facebook group to deepen the conversation

In love

Lisa is an herbalist and spaceship builder. She specializes in guiding highly sensitive people to nurture their relationship with themselves through the sacred practice of holistic herbalism for deep and lasting wellness. As a scientist, she builds a personalized strategy for rebuilding health from the foundation up. Lisa most enjoys working with people who are hearing the quiet whispers of discomfort that are dismissed by friends, family, and health practitioners as 'too sensitive' or 'just part of getting older.' Her practice is grounded in the belief that everything is connected - we just need to learn to listen and nourish ourselves deeply and soulfully.

LIsa's website


Free Resources mentioned in the show.